Wednesday, November 11, 2015

WOYWW 11-11-15

Here we are at Wednesday again! Two more weeks until Thanksgiving, and then the Christmas season starts! (Well, for most, anyway. My English blood says no, the first day of Christmas is Dec. 25th, and for 11 more days after that. But just try telling my fellow Americans that . . . )

Another busy couple of weeks for our household. My daughter's father-in-law was gravely ill last week. Thankfully, he has recovered somewhat and is in a nursing home for rehab for the next few weeks. So I took a break from Christmas cards and made him a get well card. Here it is in the making:

It isn't quite finished yet. I still have to attach the front panel, and will place a distressed oval with the sentiment Get Well Soon on the bottom left. I think it looks nice and cheery and hope it will cheer him up a bit.

The granddaughter who lives with us, along with her mom, still isn't quite healthy. She has a bad cough and my daughter finally listened to me about taking her back to the doctor. So that is what I'll be doing this afternoon. Her cousin had croup a couple of weeks ago, so she could have that. We'll see!

Now that you've visited me, please take a gander at to check out some super talented crafters! Happy Wednesday everyone! 


  1. That card is really bright and cheerful, well done!
    Hope all went well at the Doctors.
    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #41

  2. Hello Suzanne I'm sure that card will cheer him up. Sorry your granddaughter is unwell hope she recovers soon. Anne x #58

  3. Yes, that card looks cheerful with the colorful flowers. I'm sure he'll love it.
    I hope your granddaughter gets better soon. Was it croup? It's quite contagious so it might well be.
    Thanks for visiting earlier,
    Have a great week,

  4. Pretty card! Hope Granddaughter feels better soon

  5. Croup is a pain to get rid of, so a visit to the docs is most definitely right. Poor little thing. You sound as if you've been going through the mill a bit too...sending a hug.
    The card is lovely, bright and cheerful - that's help him get better...
    Hugs, LLJ 2 xxx

  6. lovely thoughtful card. Hope your granddaughter is better. butterfliecrafter#8
